Principal's Message

Dear Little Angels, Esteemed Teachers, Parents, and Support Staff,

As we embark on the 2024 academic year, my heart swells with joy and pride addressing the vibrant tapestry of our school community. Together, we've navigated an incredible journey, and I am confident that the year ahead holds even greater promise for growth and opportunities.

The recent Annual Day, a fusion of celebration and farewell, wasn't merely an event but a testament to our collective spirit and dedication. Witnessing our students showcase talents and achievements was a triumph, reaffirming our commitment to nurturing not just academic excellence but well-rounded individuals ready to face the world.

I implore each of you – students, teachers, parents, and support staff – to infuse creativity, motivation, efficiency, initiative, reflection, hard work, and passion into every endeavor. These qualities form the foundation of success and fulfillment, echoing in the halls of Little Angels.

To our cherished students, let this year be the canvas for your creativity to flourish, explore interests, and let your imagination soar. Teachers, your role as mentors is indispensable – continue inspiring curiosity and instilling a love for learning. Parents, your unwavering support is the backbone, contributing to the nurturing of confident and capable individuals.

To our diligent support staff, your behind-the-scenes efforts are invaluable. Let's carry the spirit of the Annual Day into every day, proving we're not just participants but frontrunners, ready to perform and compete with the best.

As we collectively strive for excellence, remember that each one of you shapes the future of our Little Angels. Let's make this academic year a journey of discovery, achievement, and camaraderie.

Wishing you a successful and fulfilling year ahead.

Warm regards
Ms. Emma L. Dkhar M.A (Edn.) B.Ed.